31 Oct 2022

By Kyle Brown

In Personal Injury

If you’ve been injured through the negligent actions of another person, you may be entitled to recover compensation after filing a personal injury case.

Personal injury cases can be filed following an automobile accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice, a dog bite, or other accident on public or private property. An assault, battery, or other intentional tort can also be grounds for a personal injury case.

You deserve compensation if the wrongful behavior of another has caused you injuries. Your first step is to find a qualified lawyer to take on your personal injury case. If you’re worried about how to pay for your personal injury lawyer, remember that most personal injury cases have zero up-front payment (the lawyer fees are subtracted from any settlement or court award). If you’ve been injured in an accident, don’t delay, contact us today!

Two Types of Personal Injury Compensation

There are two types of compensation for personal injury cases:

Compensatory Damages

The purpose of compensatory damages is to restore you to the position you would have been in had the accident never happened. This type of compensatory damage is then broken up into Special and General Damages:

  • Special Compensatory Damages
    • This would include compensation for medical expenses, such as past, present, and estimated future medical expenses.
    • This type of personal injury compensation includes quantifiable, out-of-pocket expenses.
    • It would also include compensation for lost income (present and future lost earnings).
    • Out-of-pocket expenses such as medications, doctor bills, or lab testing would be eligible for compensatory damages.
    • Any property damage would also be entitled to a compensatory damage award.
  • General Compensatory Damages
    • This would include psychological damages, such as pain and suffering (payment for physical discomfort or pain).
    • Emotional Distress (fear, anxiety, depression, sleep loss, PTSD)
    • Loss of Consortium (loss of companionship)
    • Physical Impairment (disfigurement, amputation, scarring)

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are designed to punish the defendant for their misconduct. The court may award punitive damages if they believe compensatory damages won’t deter the defendant from making the same mistake again.

It’s often difficult to win punitive damages, but an experienced personal injury lawyer will know how the court calculates damages and will fight for punitive damages if the person or institution responsible acted with maliciousness or gross negligence, committed a crime, or caused extensive financial damage. The knowledgeable attorneys at Brown & Hobkirk, PLLC can evaluate your case for any possible punitive damages and fight for you to get the compensation you deserve.

How Much Does Your Personal Injury Claim Worth?

In order to figure out how much your personal injury claim is worth, you would need to calculate the amount of damages you’re eligible to receive. An attorney can help determine the types and values of damages that may be involved in order to get your personal injury case maximum compensation.

These damages can include monetary, physical, and mental sacrifices you’ve had to deal with as a result of your injury. Determining the types of damages and the amount of compensation that should be paid involves putting a dollar amount on the ways the injury has impacted your life (and in some cases, whether the court should punish the negligent party’s actions). A personal injury attorney can discuss the details of your case and figure out the specific types of damages for which you could be compensated.

It’s likely that you can find compensation calculators online to give you a general idea of your potential compensation. However, a skilled lawyer will thoroughly investigate your case to determine how much your personal injury case is really worth, while also taking into account any limitations to your case (EX: insurance policy limitations, the defendant’s ability to pay, and the extent of your injuries).

Talk to an Arizona Personal Injury Lawyer

Our skilled and experienced personal injury lawyers will make it possible for you to receive a settlement amount that covers your needs, or we’ll fight for you in court to make sure you get the damages you deserve.

The Arizona personal injury attorneys at Brown & Hobkirk, PLLC have spent decades helping clients receive personal injury compensation. Our success has made us one of the most sought-after personal injury firms in Arizona.

Maximizing the value of your claim starts with finding out your potential compensation. Our results-driven attorneys can help you get the personal injury compensation you and your loved ones need to move forward. Contact us today!

Kyle Brown

Kyle primarily focuses on representing clients in serious personal injury claims and wrongful death cases. He also assists clients with estate planning, estate administration, divorce, family law and other related legal matters.
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